Dr. Bas Wijnen - 24.03.22, 10:50:47 CET:
> There is work to be done. Uneasy work. But important to do,
> nonetheless.
> There was work to be done. It has been done. The result is that
> Norbert was sanctioned. Please accept that and stop pretending that
> the debate is still ongoing.

Just one thing: There is no pretending there.

This thread clearly shows it. The Debian community is not unequivocally 
sure, i.e. in agreement, about all of this. That can clearly be proven 
from this very mailing list thread. The notion that a certain process 
has been followed, by certain rules, makes no statement on whether there 
is disagreement or agreement within the Debian community about this. At 

Claiming otherwise is trying to exercise power to silence people by 
creating a division that somehow only some people of the thread are part 
of the Debian community and others, namely those who dissented, are not.

I see this in my inbox as well as people wrote to me what they do not 
like to post publicly. Replies to me are private. So I won't share more 
than that I received several supportive mails privately about this 
topic. But I am concerned of receiving private replies as it clearly 
shows that people are afraid to speak out.

I leave it at that. I made my statement and I stand by it.

Just one more clarification: I made no statement on what Norbert is 
accused to have done. All I was asking for is to really evaluate all 
sides of the story instead of applying double standards.

Also do not educate me about abuse. I know how it feels. Being 
incarnated as a man does not automatically exempt one from abuse. Far 
from it. All this putting into categories is adding to the division.


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