Readers of Debian-project

This is a quiet reminder that debian-project and all Debian mailing lists are
governed by the mailing lists code of conduct and the main Debian code of 

* Please be considerate of each other: assume good faith and treat each other
  with the respect that each of us deserves.

* People can make unintentioned mistakes: we're all human. Pointing out that
  a mistake has been made need not be a finger-pointing exercise or an excuse
  for a large number of emails.

* It shouldn't need twenty people to make a point or start arguments and
  counter arguments. If someone has already written what you would have wanted
  to write, that's fine: in many cases you can safely leave it there.
  The list is moderated: the volunteers moderating the list and everyone
  reading the list will appreciate you for not providing more to read through.

  With thanks: the Community Team have recently put together some thoughts
  and considerations expanding on the Code of Conduct and giving some examples
  that may be useful.

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

[On behalf of the Debian Community Team]

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