On Fri, Apr 08, 2022 at 08:35:27PM +0200, Julian Andres Klode wrote:
> Hi
> it just occurred to me that despite the climate crisis about to
> destroy us all we don't really have anything in place to monitor
> and reduce our carbon emissions.
> I believe we need to commit ourselves to reducing this, but I fear
> the only way this could happen is via a general resolution amending
> the constitution for climate goals, so it becomes binding.

I do have a problem with your approach of demanding strong action.

Combined with your refusal to apply it where it might not be convenient
for you.

Your principles do not matter much when you are demanding something from 
other people.

Your principles do matter when they are inconvenient for YOU.

> # Actions
> Budget: We need to determine our current CO2 emissions as a project,
> and then define a roadmap to carbon neutrality by an acceptable date,
> I think 2035 or 2040 are commonly referenced.

If your goal is only carbon neutrality in 2035 or 2040,
there is no discussion required from us before 2030.

If your roadmap should already include short-term reductions,
an obvious low-hanging fruit will be not to cause hundreds of
people from all over the world to fly to India in 2023.

> # Things out of our control
> I think individual travel to DebConf and similar events is somewhat
> out of our control, as is the personal behavior of individual
> submitters.

Debian paying for plane travel is 100% inside the control of Debian.
A policy that Debian no longer pays for plane travel would be an
obvious first step.

Abolishing DebConf bursaries for plane travel would not even require
a general resolution.

How to hold conferences is also completely inside the control of Debian.

It would not even require a general resolution for the DebConf team to 
decide that DebConf is no longer held in-person to reduce our carbon 

A "binding general resolution amending the constitution for climate 
goals" implies abolishing support by Debian for in-person conferences.[1]
Otherwise it would be like the deplorable corporate greenwashing 
practices by deplorable managers who are claiming to support climate 
goals while refusing to take any action that might reduce their profits.


[1] An exemption for already confirmed DebConfs might be appropriate.

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