On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 04:27:28PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Wed, 2022-04-13 at 14:14 +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> > I'm unaware of Russian law at the moment: it is possible that import and
> > use in Russia would be legitimate under Russian law.
> There already are Russian Debian derivatives like Astra Linux, so
> presumably this is fine.
> https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/AstraLinux
> -- 
> bye,
> pabs
> https://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise


To follow up to this:

https://www.debian.org/mirror/list suggests that there are already six
mirrors within the Russian Federation while one of them is an official
country top-level mirror of Debian.

Bandwidth varies: I'd suggest contacting the administrators there
to see how usable it is. You may also find that a local university
or higher education institution may have a private Debian mirror.

ftp.ru.debian.org appears to be at campus.mephi.ru
[National Research Nuclear University : MEphI] and the 
administrator's email is mirror-priv...@ut.mephi.ru 

That suggests that there is no particular problem either from
Debian or from within Russia. Any situation may change but you
will probably get the best information by talking to Russians
using/administering/responsible for Debian systems.

https://www.debian.org/international/Russian suggests two
Debian mailing lists. We also appreciate that not all our
documentation / websites / Wiki pages are translated but
https://www.debian.org/index.ru.html may also give you
useful information in Russian if this is of benefit.

With every good wish,

Andrew Cater

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