
Forgive me but your answer is off topic, my e-mail is not bossy but it
surely points the finger at the biggest security gap in Debian...

It's good to do voluntary work, it's even better to do it in a safe and
secure way for the users, otherwise your work is useless.

I'm sure I'm not the first to point this out to you and ask you to question
yourself, you yourself should know there's a problem, even if you don't
tell me don't confess directly.

I hope you will question this for the benefit of all Debian users !!!
Security updates, especially web browsers, should be published without
delay, because these security failures are already being exploited by
hackers ;-(

Apart from that if you have a problem with Gmail, it's only up to you...


Le dim. 17 avr. 2022 à 12:33, Martin Steigerwald <mar...@lichtvoll.de> a
écrit :

> Hi!
> Replying off-list.
> phil995511 - - 17.04.22, 11:46:30 CEST:
> > They risk having important confidential information stolen, whether
> > their computer systems are hacked remotely ;-(
> Says someone who voluntarily gives private information to Google by
> using a Googlemail account.
> How about walking your own talk *first*?
> > You must immediately publish all new updates to the Stable branch,
> > immediately after they have been released !!!
> I think your commanding tone towards people who work on this in their
> free time is not appropriate. But I expect other people will point that
> out to you as well.
> This might be my last mail to you as long as your mail is hosted by
> Google.
> Thanks,
> --
> Martin

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