On Sun, 2022-08-28 at 11:07 +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:

> - - Do you have any sensible way to cope up with so many mails from
> different mailing lists and not potentially miss out on something
> important?

I don't know that what I do is sensible, but am moving towards a model
where I subscribe to each mail source (list, account, alias, cron etc)
using a different address and each is delivered to a different folder.

To avoid being CCed on replies to alias/list mail, I try to remember to
set Reply-To to encourage replies to not go to my inbox, however even
when I do set Reply-To that doesn't always work, probably I need to
also set Mail-Followup-To as well, but that isn't easy in my MUA yet.

I read all the mail I recieve each day, often lots of it can be skimmed
or just marked as read without reading it though. By having separate
folders I can easily prioritise particular lists as needed. Scanning
new thread subjects quickly helps that too.

Then I use notmuch to index and search all the mails.



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