I myself am *very* happy to have other Debian people (DDs, DMs) git
push and dput fixes to any of "my" packages. No need for an MNU or
delay or permission: just do it. Zero friction. In the unlikely event
you do something I'm uncomfortable with I'll just revert it and

This has nothing to do with a mono repo. It's a social convention, and
can be done with per-package repos. In fact, I believe the
salsa.debian.org "debian" group is intended for this, with packages
having their packaging repos there treated in roughly the above
fashion. That's where I put my own packages, unless they belong in
some team group.

People interested in this communal maintenance idea should be aware of
the Low Threshold NMU list
which is basically the same idea, and I think may have led to a bit of
confusion about what a repo being in salsa.debian.org/debian/ means.

--Barak Pearlmutter

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