On Mon, Feb 05, 2024 at 10:41:57PM +0000, yu, bing wrote:
> Hi Debian Team,
> This is Bing Yu, a software engineer from NetApp. I am working on a project 
> using Debian 11 and I realised our official Debian 11 (bullseye) AMIs for 
> Amazon EC2 hasn’t been updated since Oct 2023 
> https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Bullseye
> Debian community used maintained this AMI more frequently but that doesn’t 
> seem to be the case anymore. Consider Debian 11 is still active version of 
> Debian, do we still expect an update on Debian 11 (bullseye) AMIs for Amazon 
> EC2 coming soon?

Hi Bing,

I'd expect an update with the next point release - probably this coming
weekend 10/11 February. Bullseye is the former stable release and is
released in synchrony with the current Debian 12 - but every *other* point
release. This means that it's released roughly every 4-5 months.

The release team are planning 11.9 for February and, probably, another
release just before it drops from Debian security support to Long Term
Support status on 1st July 2024. 

As ever, Debian is ready when its ready - so dates can slip.


Working with the Debian images team who coordinate with the Release Team.
> Thanks very much,
> Bing

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