On Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 07:14:28AM +0000, Saurav Sarkar wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Suarav,

Unfortunately, this is the wrong list: debian-project reaches the whole of
Debian. Follow up set to the debian-user mailing list.

> The SWAP Partition is too low in Debian 12.x that is just 1 GB.

This was a considered decision. The old setting defaulted to double the RAM
size - not ideal if you have large RAM and a smaller disk. If the disk
is partitioned with all files in one partition using LVM, for example,
relative sizes per partition will work well and adjust dynamically.

> In Debian 8.x the SWAP Partition automatically adjusted as per the Hard Disk 
> Sizes which can have 20 GB also.

Please see above. Under most conditions, heavy use of swap would indicate
a problem and the default size works for many.

> Manual Partitioning in Debian 12.x is not happening to adjust SWAP Partition 
> and for other Folder Partitions.

If you do choose manual partitioning, you can set partition sizes to
what you wish - the default for swap is 1 GB but you can set it to any
size you wish. The defaults changed in Debian 11 (bullseye).

Hope this helps,

> Bye,
> Saurav SarkarA Debian Linux User

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