Martin Schulze writes:
 > Martin Schulze wrote:
 > > I'd like to entirely cancel my last mail wrt grail.  I saw it and
 > > removed it entirely.  The licence is just fucked up.
 > > 
 > >     [..]
 > >     this Agreement does not authorize Licensee to distribute copies of
 > >     the Software to the public, perform and/or display the Software
 > >     publicly, or otherwise make the Software accessible to the public.
 > >     [..]
 > An interested user told me that CNRI/NIST decided to leave the code
 > alone, after having used it as a testbed for network research and
 > might lighten the license.
 > Although, this may look like some hickup, I contacted one of the CNRI
 > poeple.  Depending on the answer I'll give it a try or inhume it.

Cf. the JPython license, which also originated from the CNRI (Jim
Hugunin). Guido told me that they are working on a CNRI standard
license, that they are aware of some problems, and that a primary
intention is to make this Open Source compliant. I don't remember what 
was the case with the Grail license, but with JPython, the unusual
part of the license seems to be that they want to track somehow the
use of their code (the license doesn't prohibit distribution or
modification). I strongely hope that this will be resolved by CNRI,
and that Grail will be released under relaxed conditions as well.

 > PS: I wonder if I'm the only one who writes to this list.

I wonder if we are the only ones reading this list. Is it possible to
see who is subscribed to the list ?


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