On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Gregor Hoffleit wrote:
> >     How to do this:
> >     - Executables use #!/usr/bin/python-wrapper (*)
> >     - Have a file /var/lib/python/wrapper-config (*) with
> >       executable: version1, version2, ...
> >       This is written by the postinst.
> >     - Have a python-wrapper that reads $1, figures out which executable is
> >       involved, and invokes the appropriate python.  (It can probably
> >       be in Python itself... perhaps provided by python-x.y-base and
> >       managed by alternatives.)

Surely adopting a convention of...

        #!/usr/bin/env python[major.minor]

...is preferable.

It does the same thing without additional runtime overhead and
without creating a class of Debian-specific Python programs.

> Sounds pretty dumb, but the missing key point in my thoughts was the
> virtual package "python-X.Y-base" (perhaps python-X.Y is better ?). I
> just didn't get it, and always thought about ugly solutions involving
> multiple versioned dependencies.

That is a good solution.

Thank you for the explanation.

- Bruce

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