On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> Bruce Sass wrote:
> > On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> > > Again the package is python-base, not python2.2-base.  pydoc depends on
> > > python-base_2.1.1 and uses #!/usr/bin/python.  I don't see a problem
> > > with that.
> >
> > Except you don't know which Python /usr/bin/python is.
> Please think a little.  pydoc is in the same package as python-base.

I guess I need some help...

The python-base package gives me python->python2.1, from Python-2.1.1.
What happens when I point python to python3.0, will pydoc still work.

Why should Debian decide that bin/python _must_be_ a specific version
of Python when it is so simple to specify which python a executable
needs.  "Gratuitous" is the only word I can think of that accurately
describes behaviour like that.

Pydoc is part of Python, so there should be no problem explicitly
specifying which Python that is (it is not limiting in any way).

The experimental py-2.1 packages have:

1)      #/usr/bin/env python2

it should be:

2)      #/usr/bin/env python2.1

because Python uses either "python" or "python<major>.<minor>"

you (Neil) want:

3)      #/usr/bin/python

I like 2) because it lets me have a /usr/local/bin/python2.1
overshadow the packaged 2.1 if I want, simply by fiddling with
symlinks in /usr/local/bin.  If every executable did that I could
point python to whatever I wanted and things just work.

1) may have well been /usr/bin/python2, because I've never seen
reference to a bin/python<major> outside of Debian; the only python2
around will be Debian's.

3) may well only work if python happens to point to Python-2.1.x

...where has my thinking failed?

- Bruce

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