Quoting Matthias Klose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Mikael Hedin writes:
> > Hi,  I'm just finishing my new plucker package.  And then I read the
> > policy again, and it said I should call my program python2.1-plucker,
> > as I use method 2 and the upstream name is plucker.  
> Is plucker an application or a library (probably both ...)
> > But this is not a module intended to be used by others, only by the
> > programs that comes with plucker.  So I'd like to call it just
> > plucker, and make shure there is just one (working) version in debian.
> > Is this OK?
> IMO yes.
> You should build-depend on python (>= 2.1), python (<< 2.2),
> same for the 'Depends'. This should be mentioned in 3.1 in the policy.

Umm, since he is choosing the method 2, which is "Support a particular 
version", shouldn't this be; 

Depends: python2.1
Build-Depends: python2.1-dev

Note that additionaly all packages that depend on plucker _and_ python must 
use "Depends: plucker, python2.1" and _not_ "Depends: plucker, python (>= 2.1), 
python (<<2.2)". The second will break when python is upgraded, but the first 
will not.

ABO: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.

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