Donovan Baarda writes:
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 06:35:02PM +0200, Martin Sj?gren wrote:
> > fre 2002-08-23 klockan 18.28 skrev Jim Penny:
> > > What packages do you have in mind?  Some of the c-extension maintainers,
> > > myself included, have an informal policy of "support everything in the
> > > distribution", but do not have any obejection to supporting less!
> > 
> > The package I'm maintaining and developing myself, pyOpenSSL.
> > 
> > > Or, are you saying that you have non-debian applications that depend on
> > > 1.5?
> > 
> > In a way, yes, since RedHat are using pyOpenSSL, and I at least think it
> > was with Python 1.5.
> > 
> > In any case, putting on my upstream-developer-hat, I want to support
> > Python 1.5, and it would be nice to still have Python 1.5 in Debian, so
> > I can continue using that as my devel OS.
> I too can't see any particular reson to remove it, except as a way of
> forcing everyone to stop using it.
> It shouldn't really need any supporting... upgrading the default python to
> 2.2 should not require any changes to the existing python1.5 packges. The
> only reason they should ever need changing is serious bugs and policy
> changes. One such change might be adding python-central support to the
> postinst and postrm scripts. 

hmm, we don't really need antiques like this in the current
distribution. Get the packages from woody and install them. Each
more version is a burden for i.e. security updates.

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