Donovan Baarda writes:
> On Sat, Aug 24, 2002 at 07:48:31PM +0200, Matthias Klose wrote:
> > Some comments:
> > 
> > - python-central should have a configuration option, how files are
> >   compiled. Most users don't need compilation with -O. Maybe
> >   a debconf option?
> Hmm, could be done I guess, but this is already more than the current
> standard offers... can't we add this in _after_ python-central becomes a
> standard?

or do it right the first time? ;-)

> > - A separate command to install a python version would be useful.
> >   Assume I rename the packages again, or you want it to use for
> >   jython as well.
> As the person who originally "simplified out" the seperate command for
> installing python versions, I can see your point.
> Currently the register-python-package does have seperate code for installing
> python and modules internally. I originaly thought that the extra flexibility
> the seperate commands gave was unnecisary. 
> Now I'm not sure, but I'm also not sure that it is simple to have something
> generic enough to support jython etc. I have a feeling any sort of attempt
> at a generic solution will need to be "fixed beyond compatability" when it
> gets tested in the wild anyway.
> Unless someone can come up with some hard examples and possible solutions
> I'd be wary of trying to see the future in this case.

if python-central should become a standard method, then this should be
decided now. I would favour a more explicit register-python-version(1).
jython doesn't need to be supported, because it uses the python2.1
library (CC'ed the maintainer)?

> > - A package should have the possibility that it's incompatibe with
> >   a specific python version or that it only works with specific
> >   versions.
> This is already supported. Packages that support more than one version of
> python specify it in their dependancies;
> Depends: python1.5 | python1.6 | python2.1, python-central

hmm, so you have to recompile this, when a new python version appears?
Why not register the module with

        register-python-module --incompatible-with=2.0,1.6

Then no new upload is needed for a new python version. I think this
was one of the benefits of python-central.

> > - A command is missing to recompile all registered packages when
> >   the default python version changes.
> This is not needed. The default python just installs a pythonX.Y package.
> Provided the default pythonX.Y is already installed, then the registered
> packages are already "registered" for it. If then new default pythonX.Y is
> not already installed, then all the packages will be "registered" for it
> when it gets installed as a dependancy of the new "python" package.
> Note that I use "registered" in quotes. python-central no longer really
> registers packages, instead it uses the dpkg dependancies to identify what
> packages depend/support on what versions of python.

yes, I consider this as not optimal. It's needed for the "mailman" case

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