Hi! I'm not (yet) an official dd, but I started my applicant process
some weeks ago so I hope I'll be a DD soon. I'm interested in adopting
python-gd (my package is available on http://www.kobold.it/python-gd). 
Actually there is only a whishlist bug for this package (#223580) which
ask for a versioned packaging for the module. Actually it is available
only for python2.3, but there are no problems to compile and package it
for other version (python2.1 and python2.2) so I did.

I also did a statistical report for the python modules availables in
stable, testing, unstable and experimental, I attached it to this

My conclusion is that there are a lot of modules which are not versioned
and are available only for particular versions of python without
motivation. IMHO, can be very useful if every maintaner have to package
versioned python modules. I know people who use python2.1 or python2.2
and I think Debian should think also about them.

What about the policy? Is there something which suggests to do this?
What do you thing about my proposal?

Thanks in advance,
Fabio T.

Fabio Tranchitella
<!> kobold.it, Turin, Italy  - Free is better!
 <http://www.kobold.it>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Key fingerprint: 5465 6E69 E559 6466 BF3D  9F01 2BF8 EE2B 7F96 1564

epydoc              => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
eyed3               => python
distutils           => python1.5
weblib-doc          => python
xlib                => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
oss                 => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
pcgi                => python
gnome2-dev          => python
psyco               => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
netcdf              => python
gdbm                => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
omniorb2            => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
osd                 => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
extclass            => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
xml                 => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
tables              => python, python2.3, python2.2
samba               => python2.3
vte                 => python
cdb                 => python
gdchart             => python
vtk                 => python
gtk                 => python
subversion          => python2.3
kjbuckets           => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
cjkcodecs           => python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
twisted-conch       => python, python2.3, python2.2
sip-dev             => python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
scgi                => python2.3
egenix-mxtools      => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
scientific          => python
pygame              => python, python2.3, python2.2
hip                 => python
pyx-doc             => python
bsddb3              => python, python2.3, python2.2
editobj             => python, python2.3
numarray-doc        => python
textwrap            => python2.2, python2.1
gtk2                => python, python2.3, python2.2
mpi                 => python
simpletal           => python, python2.3, python2.2
gtk-1.2             => python
dictclient          => python2.3
mpz                 => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
pygresql            => python, python2.3, python2.2
gnuradio            => python
qt3-gl              => python, python2.3
gdk-imlib           => python
syck                => python, python2.3
xdg                 => python
pylibacl            => python, python2.3, python2.2
crypto              => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
soappy              => python
xlib-doc            => python
comedilib           => python
japanese-codecs     => python, python2.3, python2.2
mode                => python
egenix-mxstack      => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
geoip               => python
davlib              => python
dbus                => python2.3
fixedpoint          => python, python2.3, python2.2
rpy-doc             => python
pyao                => python
pyx                 => python, python2.3, python2.2
parted              => python
pmw                 => python
pymad               => python
rrd                 => python, python2.3, python2.2
elisp               => python, python2.2, python2.1
numeric             => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
xmms                => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
yappy               => python, python2.3, python2.2
mysqldb             => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
gnome2              => python, python2.3, python2.2
examples            => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
htmltmpl            => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
egenix-mxqueue      => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
popy                => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
plplot              => python
reportlab           => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
orbit-dev           => python
xmpp                => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
bobopos             => python
pyopenssl           => python, python2.3, python2.2
apoo                => python2.3, python2.2
id3                 => python
cddb                => python
pgsql               => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
docutils            => python, python2.3, python2.2
dcop                => python
id3lib              => python, python2.3, python2.2
soya                => python, python2.3
email               => python2.1
egenix-mxtexttools  => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
dictdlib            => python2.3
qt3                 => python, python2.3
imaging-tk          => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
ecasound2.2         => python
imaging-doc         => python
ctypes              => python, python2.3, python2.2
imaging             => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
albatross-common    => python
musicbrainz         => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
gdal                => python
albatross           => python, python2.3, python2.2
pqueue              => python
biggles             => python, python2.3, python2.2
gnome               => python
tables-doc          => python
soya-doc            => python
clientcookie        => python, python2.3, python2.2
glade               => python
glade-1.2           => python
roman               => python
numeric-tutorial    => python
tmda                => python
reportlab-doc       => python
psyco-doc           => python
adns                => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
pyrex               => python, python2.3, python2.2
rpy                 => python, python2.3, python2.2
pyxine              => python, python2.3, python2.2
pyvorbis            => python
gadfly              => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
apt                 => python
twisted             => python, python2.3, python2.2
expect              => python, python2.1
doc-info            => python1.5
imaging-sane        => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
gendoc              => python
jabber              => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
unit                => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
xmms-doc            => python
ldaptor             => python, python2.3, python2.2
gtkextra            => python
pexpect             => python, python2.3, python2.2
pyx-common          => python
opengl              => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
qtext               => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
pisock              => python
imaging-doc-html    => python
korean-codecs       => python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
gd                  => python
utmp                => python
qt3-doc             => python
genetic             => python, python2.3
gtkglarea           => python
maxdb-loader        => python, python2.3
newt                => python
dns                 => python
numeric-ext         => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
librdf              => python2.3, python2.2
xmlbase             => python, python2.2, python2.1
tk                  => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
bobo                => python
weblib              => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
pyqt-doc            => python
tunepimp            => python, python2.3, python2.2
pmw-doc             => python
egenix-mx-base-dev  => python
bsddb3-doc          => python
ldap                => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
twisted-bin         => python2.3, python2.2
tclink              => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
slides              => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
qt-dev              => python
pyvtk               => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
ming                => python, python2.2
plwm                => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
pycurl              => python2.3, python2.2
crack               => python2.3, python2.2
dev                 => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
gdk-imlib-1.2       => python
pyogg               => python
xmlrpc              => python
qt3c102             => python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
pythoncard          => python, python2.3
aima                => python
zsi                 => python, python2.3, python2.2
ldap-doc            => python
xml-0.6             => python2.1
htmlgen             => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
tau                 => python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
sqlite              => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
simpy-gui           => python2.3
4suite              => python, python2.1
gtk2-dev            => python
imaging-doc-pdf     => python
kinterbasdb         => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
orbit               => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
gnupginterface      => python
tal                 => python, python2.1
hamlib2             => python2.3
serial              => python
pyorbit             => python, python2.3, python2.2
dhm                 => python, python2.3, python2.2
yappy-doc           => python
bz2                 => python2.2
gnuplot             => python
numarray            => python, python2.3, python2.2
babel               => python2.3
ecasound            => python
happydoc-doc        => python
pyqt                => python
vmailmgr            => python2.3
glade2              => python, python2.3, python2.2
egenix-mxdatetime   => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
happydoc            => python
cheetah             => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
csv                 => python2.2, python2.1
pam                 => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
gnome-1.2           => python
eunuchs             => python, python2.3, python2.2
pyxattr             => python, python2.3, python2.2
libplot             => python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
maxdb               => python, python2.3
iconvcodec          => python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
optik               => python, python2.2, python2.1
2play               => python, python2.3
cgitb               => python2.1
openal              => python, python2.3
configlet           => python, python2.3
sip-qt3             => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1
sqlrelay            => python, python2.3, python2.2
stats               => python
numarray-ext        => python, python2.3, python2.2
slang               => python
uncertainities      => python
scientific-doc      => python
omniorb             => python
doc                 => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
difflib             => python2.1
bibtex              => python
psycopg             => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
simpy               => python, python2.3
egenix-mxproxy      => python, python2.3, python2.2, python2.1, python1.5
bobodtml            => python

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