On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 07:01:00PM +0200, Fabio Tranchitella wrote:
| Il gio, 2004-06-17 alle 03:26, Donovan Baarda ha scritto:
| > >From looking at it, the main thing we'd loose by dropping python2.1 is
| > jython. Anyone using it?
| Looking at http://popcon.debian.org/by_inst seems there is enough people
| that use it... I've looked also on http://www.jython.org, they say:
| "We expect then a new release for the summer, with 2.2 and some 2.3
| features. Leading up to the release this site will be revamped." 
| (Apr 2004)
| Mmm... I'd like to drop python2.1 before the release of sarge, 
| leaving only python2.2 and python2.3 in the prospective stable.
| What can we do? 
| Is there someone who disagree with Donovan and me and wants to 
| leave python2.1 in sarge?

I think cleanup is good, however I think python2.1 should be kept as
long as it is needed.  With Zope (2.6) currently using python2.2, then
I think python2.1 can be removed once the next jython release occurs
but not before then.  I haven't used jython recently, but I did have
need for it in the past and I might need it again in the future.

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