On Monday 28 November 2005 03:22 pm, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> You are completely misunderstanding the issue. There can be no such
> thing as "Debian support for eggs". There can only be some Debian
> packages of eggified software. And there will be, as some developers
> will want to make them.

Verbage, I'll change mine to be "Debian packages of eggified software". 

> The problem is that eggs are broken by design, and we're trying to
> convince upstream to fix their flaws, not only for our benefit but for
> that of all distributions.

Water under the bridge and it doesn't really matter. 

Upstream's design =might= be fatally flawed and you can argue this point for 
months and upstream will never change (ie Mozilla anyone?).

Let's move past it. Deal with the technical issues and create the policies, 
framework, and potential tools used to make "Debian packages of eggified 

> As they don't seem to listen to any of the arguments that were showed,
> we'll obviously have to use crude hacks to get these applications in
> Debian. The only remaining question may be which hack is the less ugly.

Stop swinging the Josselin-clue-by-four at upstream and turn all the energy 
into debian-python :-) 

Is easy-deb the less ugly of the hacks?
Bob Tanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.real-time.com, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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