On 5/13/06, Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 12 May 2006, Andreas Barth wrote:
> > How about, right now, just a statement "this is what the issues are".
> > Or even, "this [URL here] is the mailing list post where the issues
> > are outlined."
> I forgot about them. So, I need to collect them again. Even release
> managers don't have a superhuman brain (though we sometimes pretend we
> do :).

The only issue is Matthias Klose who absolutely wants to push big
packaging changes at the same time[1] whereas everybody else agree that
we should take our time for those changes since we managed to live with
the current python policy until now.

Doko wants python-central but the python modules team uses mostly

I certainly hope we can discuss that IRL at Debconf. I would welcome a
Python BoF.

I think the Python BoF happened, so is there a thread somewhere with
what was discussed, a wiki article or even a blog entry ? I trust that
the guys involved took non insane decisions but i would like to know,
since we've more than 50 packages to keep ok for Etch just in the
Debian Python Modules Team and a lot more that i would like to give
attention too out of our team.

Closing, who from dpmt was there? I hope buxy was, because i think
he's the only dpmt admin in mx (gpastore and i weren't). Probably
others dmpt members were too. Well, break the silence and give me
updates, please. :)

-- stratus

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