On Sun, 13 Aug 2006 23:03:13 -0700, Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 07:56:09PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> OK, I see I have to dot the i's and cross the t's for this case
>> here.  So, here is the scenario: package python-foo packages a
>> public pure python module.  Package bar imports the module
>> foo. Package baz is a package not yet written that would be written
>> for Python2.6 that would also need module foo, but only when we
>> actually get python2.6. Let us also have a package bar-baz that is
>> written for python2.5.

> AFAICS you've correctly described the requirements for this
> scenario, but this is not the scenario that I've been trying to
> point out to you.

> Now, introduce version 2.0 of python-foo.  Because upstream
> considers python 2.3 obsolete, they have begun using language
> features in their module (internally, not as part of the module
> interface which remains unchanged) that are specific to python 2.4
> and above.

        This is similar to the case 4b in my scenario: a package
 changes from supporting all known versions of python to supporting a
 subset of that range.  As in my case 4B, you don't take this action
 lightly, while there is python2.3 in the archive, you do a
 conditional import of the old version of the module in order to
 retain the compatibility, or you talk to your rdependsand tell them
 about the change.

> Now, looking at your example:

>> The following transition events occur.

> No disagreements on 1) and 2).

>> 3) Python2.3 is dropped.
>> policy A policy B no upload.  Upload python-foo, removing provides
>> for 2.3

> Why does python-foo need to drop the provides for 2.3?  In what way
> does python2.3's removal from the archive mean that python-foo has
> stopped supporting python2.3?

        Because when python2.3 is removed, the site-packages directory
 would also be purged of all automatically compiled versions of the
 pure python modules. Indeed, I think this is already done; and
 minimizes the house cleaning packages have to perform.

> Also,

>> 4b) foo can't be written for version 2,6, or will take time, and
>> support for 2,6 is dropped (at least for the moment) Policy A
>> policy B Package uploaded, with provides, Package uploaded, with
>> provides Packages bar, bar-baz, and baz Package baz has to wait.
>> (rdepends python-foo) informed of the provides. Need to upload the
>> rdepends

> This is a case where I don't see any need to reupload foo under
> policy B: it already has all the provides it's going to have, since
> it didn't yet know about python2.6 and therefore couldn't have
> declared any provides for it, no?  So python-foo Provides:
> python2.5-foo because bar-baz is written for python2.5 and needs it;
> bar is AFAICS written to use "python", so only depends on
> python-foo; and baz has to wait.

        Well, if you are not going to upload, you can't be using
 python-support or python-central as the tools to automatically
 compile your module -- and unless you have changed the .versions file
 or XS-Python-Version variable, They'll try to compile, and may leave
 a miscompiled version around, depending on how subtle the 2.6
 incompatibility is.

1) Python 2.5 is added | no upload. python-foo | Upload python-foo, 
                       | recompiled for 2.5    | adding provides for
                       |                       | 2.5
                       | No transition for     | package bar-baz must 
                       | package bar or        | wait the upload.
                       | bar-baz               |
2) Default python      |                       |
   version changes to  |                       |
    2.4                |                       |
3) Python2.3 is dropped|                       | Upload python-foo, 
                       |                       | removing provides for
                       |                       | 2.3 (since presumably
                       |                       | the compiled files
                       |                       | are gone
4) Python 2.6 is added.|                       |
A) Source change fix   | Package uploaded, with| Package uploaded, with 
                       | changed  source.      | changed  source, and
                       |                       | the provides.
                       | package baz has to    | package baz has t
                       | wait                  | wait
B) Do not support 2.6  | Package uploaded, with| Upload with changed
                       | provides,  rdepends   | versions for byte
                       | apprised, mini        | compiling tools??
                       | transition            |
                       | package baz has to    | package baz has t
                       | wait                  | wait
5) Default python      |                       |
   version changes to  |                       |
    2.5                |                       |
6) Instead of python2.6| Package uploaded, with| Upload with changed
  New version of foo   | provides,  rdepends   | provides
 incompatible with 2.4 | apprised, mini        |
 added                 | transition            |
       I posit that 1-3,5 are the common cases; and 4A is more common
 than 4B or 6.

>> Even for the case of 4b, there is time to do the transition for
>> packages bar and bar-baz -- until 2.6 becomes the default, there is
>> no critical bug in bar or bar-baz.

>> Now take this to every single pure python module package in Debian,
>> multiply with the upload by default for every single addition or
>> removal of python packages, and you can see that adding more work
>> in the corner case 4b is worth not having to upload packages
>> multiple times by default.

> Given that a reupload isn't generally needed for 3), and my premise
> that pure python modules should only declare Provides when something
> exists in the archive which actually *needs* them, I think the
> uploads between 1) and
> 4b) would nearly cancel out, making it a win to avoid the need for
>     post hoc
> Conflicts.

        This means that my package would be uploaded every time there
 is someone who needs a provides, and god only knows when and how
 often that happens; the simple way out is to declare all possible
 provides, and the hell with the transitions. Since I have limited
 time, and don't like the waiting around for the shoe to drop when
 someone somewhere in the 15k packages out there decides they like my

        No,  I still think that instead of a fuzzy Oh, I'll only
 declare a dependency when someone asks nicely; the simpler rule is to
 only have provides when your module supports  a subset of all
 versions of Python, and ask for a transition of your rdepends if you
 transition from "support all" to "support fewer than all" versions of
 Python (you can keep compatibility provides around for a bit when
 transitioning back).

        This reduces the common case of re-uploading every module when
 a new version of Python is introduced; at the cost of requiring a
 mini transition when a pure python modules package stops supporting
 all known python versions -- a far less common case.

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