Le mercredi 31 janvier 2007 à 14:15 -0600, Carlo Segre a écrit :
> Hello All;
> Section B.2 of the Python Policy shows a code snippet that indicates you 
> need to use dh_python after dh_pycentral.  According to the dh_python man 
> page it is deprecated so this should be changed.
> In addition, just a bit further down, there is a statement that:
>    "If you want python-central to handle private modules, you must pass the
>     list of directories containing them to dh_python (but not
>     dh_pycentral)."
> I presume that this must also be changed to read that the maintainer has 
> to install private modules explicitly.

I guess the appendix could be entirely removed. The python-support part
has the same mistake, plus at least two others (the useless
--install-lib and the story about compiled extensions), not counting the
policy itself being a bit outdated.

The most accurate documentation you can find (apart from specific
python-support or python-central documentation) is probably the wiki,
but even this one lists the "XS-Python-Version: current" insanity.

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