[Steve Langasek, 21.03.2007]
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 10:59:40PM +0100, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> > I think depending on python-dev for current only modules/apps and
> > python-all-dev for the rest should be enough (if both systems will
> > recognize it correctly, I mean also: "python-dev(>=2.5)|python2.5-dev" )
> No, this has nothing to do with the question of being able to get the
> version number of, and build binary extensions for, the current version of
> python.

how about this:

case 1: emma - python application that installs private module
  Build-Depends: python-dev (>= 2.5) | python2.5-dev
  XS-Python-Version: >=2.5

  Architecture: all

case 2: emma - python application that installs private module (and lets
        say it is providing private python extension as well)
  Build-Depends: python-dev (>= 2.4) | python2.4-dev
  XS-Python-Version: >=2.4
  Architecture: any

case 3: sqlalchemy - python module 
  Build-Depends: python-all-dev
  XS-Python-Version: >=2.3

  Architecture: all

case 4: pywavelets - python extension
  Build-Depends: python-all-dev
  XS-Python-Version: >=2.4

  Architecture: any

and I expect python-<system> to:

case 1:
  * compile it for current Python version only (no binNMU needed after
    default Python version change, just recompile the module on user's
  * set XB-Python-Version to "current, >2.5" # here "current" can't be 
    but this field should be filled automatically (think ${python:Versions})
    so maintainer doesn't have to know about "current"
  * change hashbang if needed (and remember about it [also in in 
    probably] - what if Python version from versioned hashbang will be
    removed from supported Python versions?)

case 2:
  * as above, except binNMU is needed after default python version change, no 
    to remember hashbang change

case 3:
  * build for all supported python versions (that are >=2.3)
  * set XB-Python-Version to ">2.3" (or "2.3-")
  * no binNMU needed, just recompile after `pyversions -s` will change

case 4:
  * as above, binNMU needed
  * XB-Python-Version: >=2.4
  * Provides: python2.4-wavelets 

-=[     Piotr Ozarowski     ]=-
-=[ http://www.ozarowski.pl ]=-

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