Dear Tom,

On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 09:04:38AM -0800, Tom Kuiper wrote:
>    What package does the TTF to EPS/PS conversion?

Reading through your backtrace, I guess the function which fails is
convert_ttf_to_ps. This function is defined in the matplotlib source
file src/_ttconv.cpp, and the relevant portion which seems to fail is

try {
  insert_ttfont( filename, output, (font_type_enum)fonttype,
  glyph_ids );
} catch (TTException& e) {
  PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, e.getMessage());

which is fairly strange, since you should be having the fonts already.

Could you please tell me if you are doing anything special in your .py
file which causes some error in loading the EPS fonts? (not that I
would still be able to help, but anyway...)


Kumar Appaiah

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