
I removed debian/docs, i didn't know about that, thanks. I also removed
the link in the description, and uploaded the new package to d.m.n.

For now you're the first one to have answered to my RFS, so if you'd
have the time to take a deeper look to my package that would be great.

Thanks for your help,

Arnaud Fontaine a écrit :
>>>>>> "Clément" == Clément Lorteau <northern_lig...@users.sourceforge.net> 
>>>>>> writes:
> Hello,
>     >   I'm  forwarding  my  RFS  of  the  Remote  HellaNZB  GUI  python
>     > application to debian-python list as I forgot to do so initially.
> I just had a  quick look at it...  You could get  rid of the link within
> description of  binary package and  also of debian/docs as  cdbs already
> install  the files  listed. If  you can't  find someone  to  upload this
> package, I can do it and will have a deeper look at it at the same time.
> Arnaud

Clément Lorteau
www.lorteau.net | launchpad.net/~northern-lights

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