[Christopher Lunsford, 2009-02-05]
> - dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/charm/charm_1.9.1-1.dsc

* PAPT is in Maintainer field, join PAPT and inject the package into our repo
* python-feedparser is missing in Recommends (Depends?)
* add "${misc:Depends}" to Depends
* no need to build depend on python-all, python is enough
* add teams' Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser fields
in debian/rules:
* why "python$*", "$*" will always be empty
* you can remove everything from build rule
* binary-arch doesn't need to depend on build and install
* dh_shlibdeps can be removed
* remove *.pyc files in clean rule
* install ljcharm.py into private directory (it's a Python application,
  not module); install charm script into the same directory and symlink
  it to /usr/bin/charm

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