Josselin Mouette <> writes:

> Le lundi 02 novembre 2009 à 21:22 +1100, Ben Finney a écrit : 
> > Is there a silent Debian Python policy drafter out there who would
> > like to step forward? Or is this work now moribund?
> Bug reports concerning the Python policy have been silently ignored.
> I’m afraid this will last as long as the reference version is in the
> python-defaults package.

(I am reading this to mean “the reference version of the Debian Python
policy is in the python-defaults package”.)

Okay. Clearly one way for this to improve would be for some of those bug
reports to be responded to by the maintainer.

In the absence of that, though, what other way forward is there? What
would need to change for the reference version of the Python policy to
be somewhere else? Just start referring to a different document, or
something more?

 \      “The most merciful thing in the world… is the inability of the |
  `\        human mind to correlate all its contents.” —Howard Philips |
_o__)                                                        Lovecraft |
Ben Finney

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