Barry Warsaw <> writes:

> On Mar 06, 2011, at 05:43 PM, Sandro Tosi wrote:
>>Do the 2 VCDs you mentioned have clear advantage that make then
>>preferible to git except being Python-based? If so, I think it's a
>>quite weak reason.
> Let me turn that around: why would you *not* want to use a Python based dVCS?
> <wink>

I used to choose tools based on the language they are implemented in, I
justified it with the old "it needs to be in a language I know/like in
case I need to modify it or fix bugs in it" excuse. Since then I learned
my lesson and, unless I'm specifically planning to modify a certain
component, the language it is implemented in does not matter (except for
cases where I have a fanatical aversion to the language, but I really
can't recommend adopting this mental ilness as a policy).

In the specific case of a project implementing a programming language I
can understand the PR advantages of being able to claim to be "self
hosting" by using a VCS implemented in that language. As I understand
it, this was a major concern for upstream Python, but I don't think that
point concerns the Debian python team.

> One reason could be that git is the de-facto standard for Debian.  I guess
> choice of dVCS is the editor-wars of the 2010s, and probably just as silly.

The difference of course being that the editor a person uses does not
concern anyone else in any way (text written in emacs works just fine in
vim), but the VCS a person/team uses concerns a lot of people in a lot
of ways. Most VCS client tools can't deal with the repo formats used by
the other tools (and even in those cases where they can there are always
limitations). Nobody wants to waste time learning the quirks of every
possible VCS client.

Arto Jantunen

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