OoO En ce  milieu de nuit étoilée du dimanche 12  juin 2011, vers 04:10,
Barry Warsaw <> disait :

>> It would help some of us (at least me) if someone could explain what the
>> story behind python-support and  dh-python2 is. It seems that everything
>> was dealed  in private. From my  point of view, dh-python2  is here only
>> because python-central could not be deprecated by its author in favor of
>> python-support for political reasons. That does not help to adopt it.

> The main reason why we're favoring dh_python2 is because, to the extent
> possible with Python 2[*], everything is in the package.  Because pyc files
> cannot be shared across Python versions, and yet in almost every case the
> source code can, the Python 2 helpers create symlinks for the py files from a
> shared directory into a version-specific directory, because Python will put
> the pyc files next to the py files.

> Unlike the other helpers, dh_python2 includes the symlinks in the package, so
> in most cases, packages which use dh_python2 will come with everything they
> need instead of being created at installation time, which is fragile.  (py
> files are still and always byte-compiled upon installation, but that's
> fine).

Well, I suppose that a whole new helper was not written just for that.

However,  I  have seen  in  #629154 that  Josselin  is  also fading  out
python-support. I don't know  if he is happy with this but  I take it as
some sort  of implicit acknowledgment  of dh_python2. Therefore,  +1 for
only one helper in Wheezy.
Vincent Bernat ☯

Use self-identifying input.  Allow defaults.  Echo both on output.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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