Python Modules Packaging Teams Policy[0] currently reads:
"The team is open to any python-related package maintainer. To be added on the team, please send your request on indicate why you want to join the team: maintain your current packages within the team, help maintain some specific packages, etc."

I'm afraid that this creates false impression that we'd accept anyone, without any questions asked. This is not the case. As a DPMT admin I required that the applicant:
1) either had existing Python-related packages in the archive;
2) or shown me his existing Python-related packaging work (e.g. by uploading stuff to mentors.d.n);
3) or was a DD;
4) or was advocated by a DD team member.

Points 1 or 2 should be rather uncontroversial.

Since in theory[1] we allow any DD to commit to the repository, point 3 should be also uncontroversial. On the other hand I could imagine that we might e.g. not want someone to feel entitled to do team-uploads despite his commit rights.

I'd like to hear others' opinion on point 4.

The other problem with the joining procedure is that... it's not being followed. Almost nobody bothers to write their requests to the mailing list. People use the Alioth interface, and the admins (including me) has been tolerating it. (It might be because HowToJoin wiki[2] tells you that...) I believe all team members deserves to be notified that a new person is joining the team. Unless I hear objections, I'll be applying do-o-cracy here by redirecting people to debian-python@.

If there is consensus how the joining procedure should look like, it would be great if someone could propose wording for the new policy (possibly also fixing grammar :P). Also, I think it would be beneficial if joining procedures both both teams were identical; they are currently not.

[1] I believe that every-DD-can-commit has been broken since the Alioth migration. Any volunteers to pester Alioth admins until they fix it? :)

Jakub Wilk

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