I try to keep an eye on what other distros are doing w.r.t. Python 3.  Here
are Fedora's plans:


Some of these things are not relevant to us (e.g. DNF vs. yum).  Others are
interesting from a Python-aficionado point of view (e.g. cloud-init and other

I'd like to start thinking about what it would mean for Python 3 to be the
"default" Python in Debian.  This is not "what should /usr/bin/python point
to" - I think we're all largely in agreement that that shouldn't change, at
least for the foreseeable future (re: PEP 394).

Instead, I mean, what would it take for the basic Debian system to install
Python 3 only by default, and have any system scripts that depend on Python be
Python 3.

Anyway, this is mostly just FYI for those who like to keep tabs on the
competition. :)

Maybe "Python 3 as default" would be a nice Jessie+1 release goal.


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