TL;DR: Let's re-enable the ensurepip module in Python 3.4, and possibly
   address some usability issues.  We should descend en masse on Montreal and
   stage a revolt at Pycon. :)

Python 3.4 has an `ensurepip` module[1] which implements the specification in
PEP 453 regarding the explicit bootstrapping of pip in Python installations[2].
This is promoted as a boon to users, especially on platforms without OS
provided package managers, i.e. not Debian.

The PEP makes some recommendations for downstreams[3], which we do not
currently adopt, and maybe shouldn't fully.  Our current Python 3.4 package
disables ensurepip at build time.

The previous discussion on this subject[4] was extensive, and it may not be
worth rehashing that.  I just reviewed the thread via Gmane, and AFAICT there
is some general consensus:

* pip should not be used to install packages "globally", i.e. in the system
  Python's dist-packages.

* pip is an essential tool for virtualenv users (i.e. developers).

* Debian will never package everything that's on PyPI, and even those that it
  does package can be out of date, for both valid (e.g. it breaks something)
  and lazy[5] (maintainers haven't gotten around to it yet) reasons.

The current situation in the Python 3.4 package is suboptimal because:

% pyvenv-3.4 /tmp/zz
Error: Command '['/tmp/zz/bin/python3.4', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', 
'--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1

Although `virtualenv -p python3.4 /tmp/zz` does work.

At the very least I would like to re-enable ensurepip so that pyvenv-3.4 works
properly.  I am okay with the pip that gets installed in a pyvenv is the one
from the embedded wheel instead of the system pip.  I don't think this
necessarily violates Debian policy $4.13 against "convenience copies" since I
view virtualenvs as isolated environments which *might* share some Debianisms
(e.g. if --system-site-packages is used) but *should* be considered entirely
separate development environments.

Questions and issues:

Q: What should `python3.4 -m ensurepip` do?

IMHO, outside of a virtualenv, it should either fail, or it should do like
command-not-found would do if you ran this at the shell without python-pip

% pip
The program 'pip' is currently not installed.  To run 'pip' please ask your 
administrator to install the package 'python-pip'
pip: command not found

It already *will* fail unless you run that as root, but I think even if you do
run it as root, it should fail outright, even if you did
`python3.4 -m ensurepip -U` in a vain attempt to upgrade the system's pip.

In some ways this is aligned with PEP 453's recommendations and in others it
runs counter.

In a virtualenv, `python -m ensurepip -U` should do the right thing.

Q: What about `pip install ... --user`?

That should work!  It's one good use case for keeping the python-pip and
python3-pip packages.

Q: How can we tell if we're in a virtual environment?

Too bad there's no `import venv; venv.am_i_in_a_freaking_venv()` API. :(

a) Look at the envar $VIRTUAL_ENV.  bin/activate sets this, but it may not be
   a perfect determination.  E.g. if you run /my/venv/bin/python without
   activating it, that environment variable won't exist.

b) Look at sys.real_prefix.  This exists in virtualenv created environments,
   but not in pyvenv environments.

c) Check if sys.prefix == sys.base_exec_prefix.  This should be False in
   pyvenv environments, although it is True in virtualenv environments and in
   the system Python.

import os
import sys

if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in os.environ:
    # The user is living in an activated virtual environment.
if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
    # Unactivated use of $python in a virtualenv created environment.
if sys.prefix != sys.base_exec_prefix:
    # Unactivated use of $python in a venv environment.

-----snip snip-----

% python3.4 /tmp/ && echo "yes" || echo "no"
% /tmp/venv/bin/python /tmp/ && echo "yes" || echo "no"
% /tmp/virtualenv/bin/python /tmp/ && echo "yes" || echo "no"
% source /tmp/virtualenv/bin/activate
(virtualenv)% python /tmp/ && echo "yes" || echo "no"
(virtualenv)% deactivate
% source /tmp/venv/bin/activate
(venv) % python /tmp/ && echo "yes" || echo "no"

Q: Should we make python{,3}-pip a Depends of python3.4?

PEP 453 recommends this for downstreams, but this will create a dependency
loop.  Fedora recognizes this too.  Our Gmane thread briefly touches on
whether a Recommends or Suggests is better or worth it.  I don't know.

I: Should we follow Fedora?

Fedora is discussing some of these issues too[6].  Looks like one of their
devs created an rpm->wheel conversion script so that if you pip install a
package from the archive, it'll get the rpm, convert it to a while and install
it in the virtual environment (IIUC).  I don't much like that, so I don't
suggest we take that approach.

Q: What about the other PEP 435 "Recommendations for Downstream Developers"?

* It might be interesting to at some point utilize wheels, but I think that's
  far enough out that we should ignore it until we can't. ;)

* Never allow `pip install --upgrade pip` to upgrade system pip.

That's all I can think of.

[4] (among others)
[5] Not meant to denigrate any maintainers, so probably better to say
    s/lazy/busy/ :).

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