Currently I am working on the debianization of oct2py[1] which is 
a bridge between Python an GNU Octave. 
When the tests are running the docstrings are displayed in a terminal pager
making impossible run all tests without human interaction to close the 
pager. I've found this really annoying if someone wants to build the package
even the build process might fail if it's running on an automated enviroment.
I could't find an elegant way to disable the terminal pager. 
Since I've noticed that the terminal pager does not run when the package is 
built with cowbuilder I've added a workarround that is:

        python2 -m unittest discover -v > /dev/null
        python3 -m unittest discover -v > /dev/null

This avoids the annoying pager, but I am not happy with this solution 
and I am not sure if it's correct.
Anyone of you know how disable the terminal pager in an elegant way?
Here is the repo url, if anyone wants to check it out[2]


[1]: https://github.com/blink1073/oct2py
[2]: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-modules/packages/oct2py/
Josue Ortega
«Happy Hacking»

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