On Apr 30, 2015, at 12:46 AM, Stefano Rivera wrote:

>Here's where I currently am (a migration of r32486):

I did a quick test of converting one of these repos to git-dpm.

I cloned the enum34.git repo, and then did an apt-get source to grab the
orig.tar.gz.  Then:

$ git-dpm init ../enum34_1.0.3.orig.tar.gz 
Patches updated...
Deleted branch patched (was d7d73b6).

That looks sane I think since there are no patches.

Then I uscan'd to get the upstream 1.0.4 orig.tar.gz and then:

$ git-dpm import-new-upstream --ptc ../enum34_1.0.4.orig.tar.gz 
There were no patches recorded, so merging the new state directly (no git-dpm 
rebase-patched needed).
git-dpm: WARNING: No parent commit specified.
This means the upstream branch was created from the .orig.tar with only theold 
upstream branch as parent (but not any possible upstream git history).
Use 'git config dpm.importWithoutParent true' to no longer show this warning.
or 'git config dpm.importWithoutParent false' to make this an hard error.
calling pristine-tar commit '../enum34_1.0.4.orig.tar.gz' 
pristine-tar: committed enum34_1.0.4.orig.tar.gz.delta to branch pristine-tar

Hmm.  I'm not sure what that warning means.  I checked out the upstream and
pristine-tar branches and they looked fine.

It seems like the warning will happen every time unless as suggested that
config option is set.  That could be problematic.


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