On Sun, 06 Sep 2015 18:28:04 +0300, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
> The actual error is about another symbol:
>   _PyTango.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5Tango17ranges_type2constIjE3strE
> This symbol is old ABI, as opposed to 
> _ZN5Tango17ranges_type2constIjE3strB5cxx11E
> (which *does* exist in libtango.so.8).
> Can it be a bug in GCC? I don't think it should produce such a broken 
> _PyTango.so.

I have created a small test project (attached) that has a library exporting
"std::string Tango::ranges_type2const<short>::str" symbol and a test program
using it.

Interestingly, GCC uses the symbol _ZN5Tango17ranges_type2constIjE3strE
(*without* the B5cxx11 part) for both library and client.

So now I wonder why does libtango have B5cxx11 in it symbols and what is it
needed for.

Dmitry Shachnev

Attachment: test-project.tar.gz
Description: Unix tar archive

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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