
Roundup 1.4.20-1.1 is still the version in stable. Roundup 1.5 was released a 
few years back, and I need someone to help me with the final stages in getting 
1.5 in stretch, or getting it removed.

Roundup is a python web application with quite some vendored code (javascript 
libs and fonts), 5 different licenses, and in 1.5.0 there is an offending file 
that has an incompatible licensing, so I had to "dfsg" it. (is there a verb for 

During this work a security issue came along and this made me realise that the 
architecture of roundup isn't exactly compatible with what I would expect from 
a proper Debain package.

We can create security updates for roundup, but that won't help any existing 
user as all actual issue trackers are using a copy of the lib at the time of 
their birth.

I'm quite unsure on how to proceed here, but perhaps someone with more 
experience can help me with the steps needed.

Kai Storbeck
kaisan on (oftc, freenet) irc

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