On Oct 03, 2015, at 11:47 AM, Sandro Tosi wrote:

>what were the problems that -in the last period- delayed the conversion? were
>they just lack of time (understandable) or were they technical in the
>conversion process?

The very last patch I forwarded to Stefano involved correctly setting the tag
format so that you get that automatically, without having to munge a global
config.  Specifically, I had previously missed that the format can be
specified in the .git-dpm file (`man git-dpm` for details, and search!).

A good way to test that (when Stefano puts up the next test conversion) is to
make some change, then `git-dpm tag` and verify that the tag form is correct.
Be sure you don't have any settings in ~/.gitconfig though.

AFAIK, the conversion script is good to go now.


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