On 26.10.2015 12:36, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
there are manpages: pybuild¹, dh_python3² / dh_python2³ / dh_pypy⁴
there's a wiki page⁵ with examples, there's even
/usr/share/doc/dh-python/README.PyDist⁶ and a talk⁷ about pybuild during
DebConf... but people still tell me dh-python's documentation sucks

talks and mailing list discussions are forgotten.

How can I improve it? Do you need more detailed description of options?
Do you need more examples? Or maybe I should hide most of options, the
"corner case" ones? I focus on making things work out of the box, if
possible, and make it very customizable so that weird corner cases are
possible as well - this means there are a lot of options, is this the

Can you be more specific about what's missing?

Agreed on the high level overview. Maybe somebody could come up with a table of contents, and then people can start filling that? There was at least one comment from a book author ;)

I'd like to see a section with examples too, maybe even referencing particular packages, which show good practice for a given use case, or which demonstrate some feature.

Please don't hide things. When I see something in a build log, I'd like to be able to reproduce it. pybuild writes these "I: ..." messages, but these are still incomplete. It would be good to see directory changes and other side effects like setting of env vars and written config files as well. I found these missing while looking at #803242. However asking you on irc usually helps ;) Having these build logs a bit more verbose won't hurt.

The #803242 is exposed by having packages built with multiple python versions, so maybe it would have been found by a testsuite, or some autopkg tests. A testsuite for the pybuild features would be very nice to have.


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