On 05/11/2016 11:31 AM, Christopher Baines wrote:
> On 23/12/15 15:30, Christopher Baines wrote:
>> On 23/12/15 11:31, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>>> I was the maintainer of this package, though I lost interest for it
>>> because there's no reverse dependency for it.
>> Thanks for packaging it :)
>>> If you want to continue maintaining it within the OpenStack PKG team,
>>> you can do it as well. Though we're not using git-dpm, and rather a git
>>> tag workflow, you're still free to use whatever workflow you want there,
>>> as long as the package is well maintained.
>>> If you need sponsoring for this package, I can review it and upload it
>>> for you.
>> Great, thanks for the offer. I think I'll have to wait a couple of weeks
>> to see where things are for packaging this. There is at least one new
>> dependency for the latest release (python-fake-factory), I have packaged
>> that, but the tests currently don't pass. Once there is a release for
>> python-fake-factory, for which the tests pass, and that has been
>> uploaded to Debian, I'll get around to looking at factory-boy again.
> Its been quite a few weeks, but the above is now done. The missing
> dependency (python-fake-factory) is now in Debian, and I have updated
> factory-boy to the latest upstream version [1].
> Are you still open to sponsoring this zigo? I have just filled in the
> alioth form to become a member of the OpenStack team.
> 1: http://git.cbaines.net/factory-boy/


I added you as a member of the team. Let me know when I should sponsor
the package.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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