On Jun 24, 2016, at 03:30 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

>Neil Muller <drnlmuller+pyt...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I'm working on packaging the latest version of sqlobject, which adds
>> supprt for python 3, and I'm unsure of how best to handle the helper
>> applications that ship as part of the package. The helper applications
>> will work with both python2 and python3, so it's not clear to me how
>> to apply the advice given in [1], and I'd ideally want the helper
>> programs available regardless of which version of the module is
>> installed.  
>What is the purpose of the helper applications? Is there a significant
>use case for “I want specifically the Python 2 version of this
>If not, I would advise making only the Python 3 applications available,
>in a separate binary package (and put it it “Section: database”) which
>describes the purpose without mentioning Python versions.

I concur with Ben.  If the end user won't care whether Python 2 or 3 is used
and the helper works the same regardless of which Python invokes it, please
just ship the Python 3 version.  It should go in a separate binary package.


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