On 2016-08-18 at 21:48:05 +0200, Elena ``of Valhalla'' wrote:
> To access further information about this package, please visit the following 
> URL:
>   https://mentors.debian.net/package/codicefiscale
> Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:
>     dget -x 
> https://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/codicefiscale/codicefiscale_0.9-1.dsc
> Or directly from git at:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/codicefiscale.git

sorry, I forgot about removing the codicefiscale.egg-info, the actual
dsc is:

  dget -x 

(all other urls are ok, and their content have been updated, sorry)

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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