On 09/12/2016 03:39 PM, Dominik George wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to ask for review and sponsorship of the osmalchemy package.
> It can be found in the usual place at:
> git.debian.org:/git/python-modules/packages/osmalchemy.git
> The package can be build with gbp using pristine-tar. It appears to be
> lintian-clean, apart from a missing upstream changelog (which upstream,
> i.e. me, myself and I, will fix in a future release ;)).
> OSMAlchemy will be used in several projects that will run on Debian;
> it was also feaured at the Python Unconference in Germany last weekend
> and many people like it and would like to use it, so adding it to Debian
> seems legit (it has also a quite low impact on the repo, as it has only
> few dependencies, so nothing bad to expect there).
> Thanks in advance for looking at the package,
> Nik

Here's my comments.

* Please just write "Initial debian release".

* Please remove "X-Python3-Version: >= 3.2". Even Jessie has Python 3.2,
so we really don't need to set such lower bound.

* Please set "Priority: extra" and not optional.

* You may want to run "wrap-and-sort -t -a" to clean-up your
debian/control fields (YMMV).

* There's multiple MIT licenses. Therefore, the most common MIT license,
we call it "Expat" in Debian (not sure why, but it's like that...). So
please replace MIT by Expat.

* It looks like the README.rst could be transformed into .html using
sphinx. Could you do that? It'd look a lot nicer.

* Why do you think you need such a file? The issue is there, it's not a
false positive, so just leave lintian complain. It gives a warning, not
a hard error, so that's fine.

Everything else looked ok to me, though it was only a quick look...


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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