Thanks for your help!

May be I should have mentioned that I'm packaging for internal use here.
So required package versions not available in the standard distribution
will be provided from a local repository.

Am 05.12.2016 um 13:28 schrieb Piotr Ożarowski:
> this looks like requirements.txt (i.e. environment upstream tested it
> with / is comfortable with) rather than install_requires from
> If it really is in (and later in requires.txt), then it's a bug
> in upstream code ("=="? really?).

You're right, this is requirements.txt, including the '=='s ...

> anyway... as you mentioned, dh_python3 doesn't copy/translate version
> requirements by default (maintainer of given package has to confirm that
> upstream uses PEP386 or whatever the current PEP number is this month)
> or you can (and should IMHO) put these requirements into Build-Depeneds
> and dh_python3 should copy them into Depeneds where possible

Why do you recommend putting the requirements into Build-Depends? Most
of those packages are currently not available on the build system (I'm
not pbuilder for this).

How do you think about an additional option for pybuild that would tell
it to translate all version specifications provided by upstream into

>> I added entries for aiohttp and async_timeout to
>> debian/py3dist-overrides, because these packages are not included in the
>> existing mapping. Still, most of the dependencies in debian/control were
>> not versioned. The dependency on python3 was not included at all.
> please try with DB instead of py3dist-overrides

With DB, you mean Build-Depends?

>> If possible, I would like to see 'python3 (>= 3.5)' included and have
>> all dependencies versioned in debian/control. Any advice on how to
>> achieve this (or explanation why its a bad idea :))?
> try with X-Python3-Version: >= 3.5

Ok. But I guess this is overwritten the next time I use stdeb?

> PS shameless plug: did you try py2dsp (from pypi2deb)?

Not yet. Does it handle versioned dependencies differently?

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