On Mar 06, 2017, at 10:32 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:

>I think it's reasonable to try this out on a branch for some number of
>packages and write documentation (the documentation for using git with
>git-dpm in DPMT is excellent and I don't think we should regress in that
>area).  Once that's done, someone who doesn't know anything about gbp pq
>should try it out and see if the documentation works (I'll be glad to do

We have this wiki page for describing common workflows for gbp-pq:


It started as a copy of the git-dpm page:


So one thing to do is to debug the instructions there.  I think the pq page
would be a good place to capture whatever foolproof conversion recipe we come
up with.  Even after a mass migration, this might be useful for other
maintainers that want to switch from git-dpm.


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