On 10/03/17 08:27, Thomas Güttler wrote:

I am following this instruction:

Yes, I accept the above policy.

Yes, collaborative maintenance is preferred.

Here is what I want to package: https://github.com/guettli/reprec

    Up to now reprec contains these tools:

      * reprec: Replace strings in text files. Can work recursive in a
        directory tree
      * setops: Set operations (union, intersection, ...) for line based

Please consider motivating the packaging of this software, i.e. how it is potentially useful to Debian users, what is the novelty versus other file processing tools, etc...

Acoording to the policy I should include my alioth login. Up to now I
have non.

You need to create your account on Alioth first [1].

[1] https://alioth.debian.org/

What is the next stop now? If possible the username should be "guettli".

There is a high chance it will end-up being "guettli-guest". Please confirm once you have successfully created your account.


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