On 2017-03-24 08:33, Christopher Hoskin wrote:

> Presumably it will also run into trouble as python-amqp is at 1.4.9 in
> unstable, but 2.1.4 from experimental is required.

Yuck. I guess the options we have available are (without any evaluation
or filtering of bad or stupid options): 

* Try to get Kombu working with older 2.1.4. 
* Ignore breakage until after freeze. 
* Upload python-amqp 2.1.4 to unstable (plus anything that this
* Upload previous Kombu to unstable, using an epoch for the version (and
all subsequent uploads). 
* Upload previous Kombu to unstable, without adjusting version, and
watch for automatic rejection email. Take legal action against DAK for
the improper rejection. 
* Hope aliens invade Earth within the next several days, and they can
deal with this, while the human race is subject to become slaves for

Any other options? 


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