Hi Diane,

On Jun 02, 2017, at 05:48 AM, Debian FTP Masters wrote:

> partd (0.3.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium
> .
>   * Switch from git-dpm to gbp

I may be misremembering our previous discussions on the topic, but we all know
that in the long term we want to convert off of git-dpm.

My recollection was that in the short term, "officially" we want to
opportunistically convert packages as an experiment, and to work out the steps
needed, so that at some time in the future, we'd mass migrate the bulk of our

I'm curious, did you follow the steps outlined in
https://wiki.debian.org/Python/GitPackagingPQ to do the conversion?  (Search
for "Converting git-dpm to gbp pq") or did you follow some other process?  Are
you adopting gbp-pq for your own workflow?  Do you have any insights that will
help others convert, or that can guide our future mass migration?  Is there
anything you can add to the wiki page to help others when they
opportunistically convert?

For the team: should we just allow opportunistic conversions and live with a
mixed git-dpm/gbp state in our packages for a while?


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