On Jul 30, 2017, at 02:41, Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org> wrote:

>> https://wiki.debian.org/Python/LibraryStyleGuide where it states:
>>      You'll want to have at least the following build dependencies:
>>      ...
>>      python3-all
>> but the
>>      python[,3]-all-dev
>> are never mentioned. So sorry, I didn't know about them and searched
>> for the required header files, and added the respective packages.

> Ok, that was the first hit I got but I discounted it because it spoke of
> packaging "libraries", not modules or extensions.

“Libraries” is typically the term we’ve used to describe things you import from 
other things.  In Python, everything you import is a module, and packages are 
just special kinds of modules, whereas extensions are module implemented in a 
compiled language instead of native Python.  It may not be the best 
nomenclature, but it’s what we’ve been using for a long time.

> Perhaps someone should make this wiki page a redirect to the python policy
> manual?  https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/

No, because LibraryStyleGuide *isn’t* policy, it’s an opinionated collection of 
best practices, and it is better suited for a wiki because those best practices 
do change over time.

Policy is what you MUST do, and the barrier for changing policy is — and needs 
to be — higher.


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