Ok, If I replace 

'{interpreter} setup.py build_man'


'env; setup.py build_man'

I get this


but If I read the code of 

def create_pydistutils_cfg(func):
    """distutils doesn't have sane command-line API - this decorator creates
    .pydistutils.cfg file to workaround it

    hint: if you think this is plain stupid, please don't read
    distutils/setuptools/distribute sources

    def wrapped_func(self, context, args, *oargs, **kwargs):
        fpath = join(args['home_dir'], '.pydistutils.cfg')
        if not exists(fpath):
            with open(fpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                lines = ['[clean]\n',
                log.debug('pydistutils config file:\n%s', ''.join(lines))
        context['ENV']['HOME'] = args['home_dir']
        return func(self, context, args, *oargs, **kwargs)

we can see that the HOME should be home_dir

HOME should be /home/picca/Debian/silx/silx/.pybuild/pythonX.Y_2.7

I think that there is a problem here.

right ?

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