On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 11:24:10AM -0700, Diane Trout wrote:
> Status with statsmodels almost done
> Trying to deal with jquery.
> leaving command
>       -rm ./build/html/_static/jquery.js
> causes a build failure now.

Without checking the source:  I'm usually doing something like

        find debian -name jquery.js -delete

This should avoid build failures.

> there's also lintain warnings about a missing hardening flag,

There are a number of false positives.  By no means this should be a
blocker for upload in the current situation.  If you are very picky you
might open a wishlist bug report to keep a record of this issue.

> and no
> doc-base registration.

Nice to have but no real blocker for an upload.
> Kid really wants to go to the park right now, so I wont be able to
> touch it for several hours.

:-)  Send hugs to your kid. ;-)
> I also need to make good patches for sending to alioth, so here's a
> snapshot. (with the jquery deletion rule commented out)
> I think you should get a package if you build this.
> http://chaos.caltech.edu/~diane/debian/statsmodels_0.8.0-3.1.dsc

Thanks for your work on this



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