Reminder that the next livechat is in a little under 2 hours, 1500 UTC.

On 04/01/2018 06:54 AM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
> On 03/31/2018 10:15 PM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
>> Debian-Python experts,
>> I'm writing to you in hopes you will forward this to the right places,
>> and file relevant bugs against uscan/watch, which I don't quite
>> understand enough to do myself. And if you want to follow up on
>> and
>> file a new issue asking for us to support your redirector more cleanly,
>> I'd welcome that.
>> I'm the project manager for the new Python Package Index (Warehouse),
>> which is currently in beta at ....
> [snip]
> Because the above was basically a copy of a mail I attempted to have
> posted to this list a few weeks ago, I neglected to add a link to our
> beta announcement
> which has an updated list of migration steps, and our IRC/Twitter
> livechat hours. Apologies. The upcoming livechats:
> * Tuesday, April 3rd, 8am-9am PDT, 11am-noon EDT, 17:00-18:00 CEST,
> 8:30pm-9:30pm India, 15:00-16:00 UTC
> * Thursday, April 5th, 5pm-6pm PDT, 8pm-9pm EDT, (April 5th) 8am-9am
> Manila, (April 5th) 10am-11am Melbourne, (April 5th) 0:00-1:00 UTC
> And please forward
> widely; we'd like to get PyPI users to test Warehouse as much as
> possible during the next couple weeks.

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